Monday, January 12, 2009

1st Full Day Home

Well, this is Finn's first official first day home! He is adjusting great! He seems to love his crib and sleeps in it fantastically. He actually wants to sleep longer, but I have to wake him every 2-3 hours for a feeding. Breastfeeding is going well, each time it seems we make more progress. He does seem to have his prefrences though! Today he had his billirubens tested, b/c as we were leaving the hopsital he was a bit jaundice. Today his billi was a bit higher, and we just need to keep feeding him and sitting in front of a window. Tomorrow we are getting him re-tested and the Dr. will let me know where to go from there. The more he poops, the faster the billi's can get removed from his system. I'm crossing my fingers that he gets better and we can move past jaundice once and forever tomorrow! I will keep you posted! Love, Mamma + Baby Finn

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is this his Blue Steel??? :) LA