Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Most Recent U/S at 21 weeks!

Well here is the most recent sneak peek at Baby Canfield at 21 weeks! As you can see it's cross-legged (they are crossed everytime so even if we wanted to find out the sex, too bad!). Also, Baby has been sucking on it's fingers and breathing the amniotic fluid in and out. It likes to move and kick Mummy alot, especially in the morning and afternoon!

Also, Daddy felt the baby for the first time at 25 weeks on Saturday October 11th. It was really exciting and I'm glad he can now share in what I constantly feel throughout the day!

New pictures to come next week on November 6th, when we get our final ultrasound at 28 weeks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want a picture of you in labor at that moment your face is all red and you're telling chris to never come near you again and you're throwing things across the room. Ya? Lemme know if that really happens or not. Just no crotch shots ;) can't wait to meet baby c.